Publikuji článek kamaráda Jiřího Řeháka, který je budoucím učitelem ICT a v článku se zamyslel nad budoucností vzdělávání v kontextu moderních technologií.

The world around us is changing, it always has and it always will.  Evolving technology has pushed the rate at which the world is changing to unprecedented levels; it has never been faster and the rate is only increasing.  The unknown is difficult to predict and as Yoda said “Difficult to see.  Always in motion is the future”.  Education is a tool which helps us prepare ourselves for what is ahead and with an evolving world education also needs to adapt its ways in order to do its job properly.  Salman Khan, educational visionary and founder of Khan Academy and others have shared their views on how they see changes in education happening.  When Quora set forth their question of how will education change in the next 10 years, Salman Khan took up the challenge in answering listing three main points:  mastery learning, competency based credentials as well as alternative and clearer paths to career.

Mastery learning

What is meant by mastery learning is that a certain topic is mastered before moving on to follow ups to it.  The introduction of mass education led to people being taught at the same rate as everyone else opposed to catering to each individual.  Rather then varying lessons to accommodate each student, lessons are on a schedule and once something is covered, then it is time to move on to the next topic.  In many cases what this leads to is that the student does not understand the follow up material as well and will have holes in that understanding as well.  This leads to a snowball effect which leads to very poor understanding of the material and often a dislike for the topic.  With the advancement of technology, we now have the means of tracking how how each and every student is doing and move forward based on this information.  This will mean that the curriculum and the way we perceive it will also change.

Competency based credentials

As it stands, the grading system is very general in regards to a student’s skills set.  Employers and even schools of higher learning have difficulties in determining what it means and how it compares to others who portray the same thing.  This leads then to alternative means of evaluating one’s skill with the help of entrance exams or by reviewing things such as portfolios.  It is believed that in a decade’s worth of time non-affiliated globally recognized credentials will exist.  Coupled with peer reviews and a portfolio will give employers a very clear picture of your skills and capabilities and in turn a much easier time to find the proper connection.

Alternative and clearer paths to career

There is a trend developing as time moves forward. More and more graduates find themselves struggling to find work; all while employers cannot seem to find the talent that they are looking for.  Schools are there to help us prepare ourselves with the world around us, help us integrate into it.  As the world is changing so must the institutions which prepare us for it. Traditional content will still be needed, but new things will emerge and certain things will be merged. Most importantly, learners should be able to pick the content they need for the career they want.  

Education is something which has needed an overhaul for quite a while. With the constant addition of new material critical thinking becomes of greater value then ever before. Traditional topics will not per say be eliminated but rather a unification will happen; something like design can be a combination of math, science and sociology. Education will become about discovering, ordering and organizing, a blended approach to how we see things.

The future is a blank slate, but people can gauge where things are going. Salman Khan shows us a video where he reveils his plan and foresights for the future. Changes have been needed for a while and the future looks promising.


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